Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A New Year with One New Brother

The Spring semester has gotten off to a surprisingly fantastic start.  It is wonderful to feel so much further along on the learning curve than I felt last semester.  This semester I know better what combination of things make the German washing-machine run; how to ask where the vanilla is in the market; who to call when I do not understand German driver's details; how to appreciate a movie more from teen guys' perspectives; when to refrain from affirmation; why some guys hung all over each other and have a hard time even giving me a high five.

Man, I love my guys!  Over break I had to keep a fellow RA's dorm dad's advice in my head: "Just get back on the plane."  Once the momentum stopped and I was in a different environment for a while, the thought of complex relationships, menial tasks, and bleak winters sounded unappealing.  But with a little sleep and some simple, yet profound conversations, God has grown in me an appreciation of being here again.  
God, please renew my vision for this place.

With the change of the calendar also came a change in the dorm.  We now have 22 guys in Maugenhard!

Josiah (in blue) with Maugenhard folks at basketball game
Josiah moved into our dorm for his last semester before graduation; Lord willing, it will be a better fit.
He is from Holland and loves photography and computer things.

  • Please pray that he will adjust well and that the guys' hearts will be opened to receiving him into the dorm as one of their own.  
  • Pray also that our staff will have discernment on how to best love and serve him as well as the other guys.  
  • Everyday life stuff is a matter of their hearts...and ours.  Please pray for that.
Thanks for your love and support!