Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Preparing for a New School Year

NEW: Announcing Our 2012-2013 Dorm Staff

Michelle & Maugenhard

{A New School Year - Preparing!}

My Summer          It was good to see many of you during my brief time in the States this summer.  It deeply blessed me to receive such a warm welcome and genuine interest in the joy as well as the discouragement of the past year at Maugenhard Dorm.  God knew I needed that time with you all to reorient me to what God is doing here at Black Forest Academy and how He may want to use me in God's work this upcoming year.

New Staff

          BFA Residence Life orientation and preparations in the dorms are in "full swing."      Two-thirds of Residence Life staff are new this year, so the returners like me have gotten to welcome these 14 new RAs and 8 new dorm parents and their kids.  My dorm parents, Mark and Sue, and I are returners to the Maugenhard staff.  Frank (see picture above - far left) has joined us as our new male Resident Assistant.  Already our dorm team has connected well.  I am believing that Frank is a direct answer to prayer for God to equip us with a quality guy RA.  Thank you for praying!

Giving Back

          Since being back in Germany I've been greatly encouraged by how many opportunities I have had to assist new staff members in their transitions to BFA and Germany.  Knowing that little helps and encouragement matter, I've been able to pass on home items to new families, guidance to new RAs and dorm parents, and even a fan to a new, young family in this hot weather.  With my new living space this year, I am enjoying and looking forward to more hospitality to those who need it. 


          With two more weeks of training, discussion, paperwork, dorm preparations, and stocking up, we pray for energy and encouragement to perform the necessary tasks for the dorms; all the while seeking to be present with God to prepare our hearts for the joys and challenges of the upcoming year.

Prayer Requests

          Please pray for: 

  • Frank's adjustment to Maugenhard and our unity as dorm staff
  • The acceptance of the new guys, who are moving in on September 2
  • A heart friend for me for the year ahead, since my three dear friends moved

Vision for the Year

          As I re-read James chapter 1 periodically this week, I've noticed an important theme for my year.  The Message paraphrase words it like this:

"Lead with your ears, follow up with your tongue, and let anger straggle along in the rear." 

(James 1:19, MSG)  

May this be a year where I listen more than I speak - both to God and others -  so that my words may be life-giving and good for that time.

          Thank you for your love and support!  I hope to hear from you soon. 

Feel free to email me.

- Michelle, RA at Maugenhard boys' dorm at Black Forest Academy in Germany