Monday, June 13, 2011

Financial Support Update

Dear friends,

On Thursday I fly to Chicago to visit with several friends before my week TeachBeyond orientation, which will help me prepare to serve at Black Forest Academy.  I will get back on June 26th and then, Lord willing, one month later I will leave for Germany!

It has been bittersweet to catch up with old friends and family members; yet, I am grateful for the opportunity to have quality time with them and celebrate and reflect upon the past, present and future.

I spend a great deal of my time doing pre-orientation cross-cultural training, beginning to begin to learn German (thanks for kids tapes in the library) and meeting with people about how they can be involved in my financial support team to make this position a reality.  

For a 2 year term I am at 21.71% of my financial support raised!  If you have been a part of making this a reality, thank you!  If you are interested in helping me raise the next $1,200/month, please see the last post of how you can be involved in small or big ways.  

More to come :)
Peace be with you,