Saturday, August 6, 2011

I've Been Placed: Maugenhard Dorm!

Michelle  (RA); Susan and Mark  (Dorm Parents); Tiffany (RA); Corey (RA) [unpictured]

I am ending my second week of living in Germany.  It has been an experience comparable to "drinking out of a fire hydrant."  Moving to a different country (learning to speak Deutsch, drive stick, do things differently) and becoming involved with a relational ministry (ResLife and support) therein is "different" (the word I am learning to say instead of "weird").  I've had numerous opportunities already to laugh at myself driving, speaking, and buying (i.e. I accidentally bought to two shampoos, thinking one was conditioner.)

The big news is:
I've Been Placed: Maugenhard Dorm! Click: Maugenhard Dorm
After a week of getting to know the other new and returning ResLife staff, I was assigned to Maugenhard BFA high school boy's dorm with RAs Tiffany and Cory!  I get to be a caring and involved older sister to the guys and support to the dorm family.  It was been a phenomenal opportunity as well as a definite growing experience to have 21 new brothers. :)  God said He will equip me for what God calls me to - even this!
Lord willing, the RAs will move in this Wednesday after the summer English Camps are finished with the dorms.  The students then will start returning around August 21st.  Until then we will continue with staff bonding and meetings as well as additional ResLife and German culture training.  It has been fast, fun, challenging, but good.
I am excited to share a short video and more pictures with you soon about life here and the staff I get to work with.  Keep posted to my blog for more of these things.
For now, "Tschuss" (bye) - and please share this update with your church family as well as any others you think would want to know.
 Peace be with you, Michelle Waters (I'd love to hear from you - email me at