Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Two Weeks After Graduation Update and Prayer Requests

Dear Core Prayer Team and Friends,

Greetings from Southern Indiana!
A great deal is going on here.  Two weeks ago I graduated from college.  My family and friends here threw me a special graduation open-house.  After my grandfather's death in March, there has been a lot of work that my immediate and extended families have had to do.  I am doing part-time work with them.  In the meantime, I am seeking to rest and reorient, while continuing to visit with people and invite people to be a part of my financial support team for Black Forest Academy.

TeachBeyond (my sending agency) says that I must have 90% of my monthly support pledged before I can purchase my plane ticket.  Right now I am about 17% supported. If you would like to contribute, you can donate online or download a form "download pledge form" (monthly donations):


Lord willing, I will leave for BFA in two months. My ideal target departure date to leave for Germany is JULY 27, 2011.

In the meantime,
Please pray...
-  that I will love God more and long to spend time in His Word with His people
- that God will refresh my spirit and enable me to rest in His Spirit
- that I will be able to process, grieve, and celebrate the transition from college to home to BFA
- that I will have a supportive group of Christians to meet with regularly in this area this summer
- that God will lay it on people's hearts to be a part of my financial team
- that I will be able to encourage each person I meet with

Thank you for your love and support!
Go with God,